Announcing Our BURN Schedule 3/24

Join $LEARN Coin
2 min readMar 24, 2024

As $LEARN (joinlearncoin) works towards releasing the first utility for $LEARN in April, we recognise that once we begin generating revenue the token allocations that we held aside (known as the ‘foundation wallets’) for marketing and development will no longer be required.

As of March 24, 2024, the LEARN FOUNDATION hold 30 MILLION tokens (excluding the 10M founder tokens). In highlight of this, we are happy to announce that we will burn 10% of our supply until DEC 2024. The schedule is as follows:

After this schedule reaches its conclusion on December 24th, if the revenue targets that we’re striving for are met (and effectively, LEARN becomes self-sufficient) — we commit to burning the remaining 20% of supply from our foundation wallets. This would be a total of 30%, bringing our total supply down to 70,000,000.

Furthermore, once we generate revenue, we will commit to ongoing buyback and burns using a TBA % of revenue – thus $LEARN is becoming deflationary.

For more information, join our telegram here. Alternatively, visit our website at joinlearncoin.

Ben Huddy


